Selling My Used Laptop Online

selling my used laptop onlineMany people think of selling mobile devices or accessories, which are unneeded and out of place. It is well-being, if you could sell your equipment to your friends, or just leave it for present. Unfortunately, it is not a real situation. More often than not, people choose online selling. There are many different websites, online auctions and special forums, where you can sell or buy everything, used or new, for different prices. Selling your technic online is the main idea of this article.

As it happens, my friends and I are madly keen of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, portative acoustics, laptops and others). There is always a situation, when I need to sell something. Besides, my friends are always ready to tip me something for selling. It sounds like this: “Oh, you are going to sell your used laptop! Good idea. I also have one for selling. Can you sell it for me?” There is an important moment. Who needs all these accessories? This is not only my own experience, but also an experience of my friends. So…Let’s place your selling posts on different popular websites. Here are the problems you may face.

Problem №1

Making your selling post, there is an opportunity to point your phone number. What else did you expect? Frankly speaking, I prefer contact with my potential buyers just by e-mail. It may be not very comfortable sometime, but in the age of 3G and Wi-Fi, there is no problem to check your post just from your smartphone. There are some reasons, why I don’t place my phone number any more. After the deal was successfully finished, I deleted my posts. As it founds out, there are websites, who still use my old posts without my knowing. I was calling about the device, which has been sold more than 5 years ago! How absurd!

Problem №2

Many people think that if you want to sell something, you are ready to go everywhere. There were many proposals to meet in the airport, in the suburbs, night clubs and other absurd places. There is one more thing. I had many refusals just for the reason of wrong color, lack of money, keyboard lighting. Frankly speaking, my desire to go somewhere and meat to someone became weaker and weaker every next refusal.

Problem №3

What do you know about back money? This is a significant problem for sellers of laptops, tablets and smartphones. From one side, a buyer want to make sure that the thing he just bought is not out of order. From the other side, you cannot be fully responsible if the laptop will be broken in some weeks. Two tears in a bucket! Your ex-laptop can be carelessly broken, watered or burnt because of power line surge. Anyway, you will be called and informed that your apparatus is broken.

To avoid this unpleasant situation, you must be realist, informing your potential buyer about all laptop defects and weak places beforehand. Anyway, just notice that you are not responsible for your device that is already sold. It will help to save your and your client’s time and nervous.

Problem №4

Let’s speak about a real-time bidding. There is nothing bad in it, as it is not a relatively new method of selling-buying online. Pretending that you sell your used laptop for an adequate price (about 65-75% from its primary price), your customer starts bidding because of lack of money or as a matter of form. I think it is an undue pressure. Of course, you have to choose, whether to accept a new lower price, or wait for some time and find a new customer. Everything depends on the situations and your needs. Be honest with yourself!

Problem №5

It’s all about criticism, or, so-called fault-finding. People come to meet you with a strong desire to find all problems and negative attributes of your PC: here is the scratch, something wrong with a keyboard, the screen is too bright. You can also meet people, who will be sitting and looking for something wrong with your menu, programs or technical characteristics for hours. Be patient and do not waste your nervous. If you are limited in time, it is better to inform people about it beforehand in order to avoid a disputable situation.

Problem №6

It is time to speak about reservation and non-compliance of treaty obligations. Sometimes, your potential customer is ready to buy your laptop, but he or she is busy at the moment. Can you hold your goods for some time, a day, or two? Such offers are mostly available and excused. It can happen that you are waiting for call or e-mail, but there is no information from your potential buyer. He has already bought something cheaper! There was a situation, when one man said: “Sorry, but my wife gave me the cases against your laptop. I do not need it any more”. There was also the situation, when I was promised to meet the buyer in an hour, but he was not in the right place at the right time. Take it easy – there is the first time for everything.

ready for selling my used laptop onlineThe other problems of selling my used laptop online

There was an attempt to replace my laptop just during the first meeting. Speaking about payment problems, some people want to pay in parts, or ask for delay. The other words, selling laptop online is a troublesome matter just in case you do this on your own. If you want to avoid these problems – sell your laptop to special service company and sleep well! Thus, do not think of this article as a textbook. This is nothing more, but sharing experiences.

People afraid of buying used technic. There is a stereotype that used laptops and their component parts are not reliable, delicate. Experienced people know that this opinion is false. Basically, the life cycle of laptops is limited by just one reason – functional depreciation. Nevertheless, if you decided to buy not expensive and not very powerful machine – to buy a used laptop is a nice variant for you. It will work for a long time!

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